Nov 2003 Gary opened Sneakers Computers in Kamloops and further decided in 2010 to modernize the business name from Sneakers Computers to Josto Computers.
In 2021, GAMtech purchased Josto Computers bringing their I.T. expertise to customers.
In October of 2023, Josto Computers once again became locally owned as it was purchased by 3 brothers (Tribro Computers LTD) who have a passion for computer hardware, I.T. services, and providing customers with an improved retail experience. In honoring Gary’s vision for Josto Computers, we prioritize the customer and what their needs in computing are. We get excited over cutting edge technology that powers gaming PCs, AI programs, and enjoy hardware that has attractive aesthetics. Our specialties are diverse and wide ranging, however we pride ourselves on our custom builds tailored towards gaming, video editing, home, office, or for school. We know the importance of budgeting, therefore work to bring affordable computing to our customers through our refurbished laptops & desktop computers, while also providing repair services to fix an otherwise fine unit. Our employees share the same passions as us, are educated, well trained, and share in the profits of our family business. We love the community of Kamloops, and thank you for supporting our business.
Josto Computers Kamloops will lead our industry on the principles of, quality service, honesty and integrity. Strive to be an organization that has competitive prices, always try to have in stock the items Customers need and sales people who give knowledgeable honest advice in plain English.
Recognize today we are people driven and NOT a systems driven business, and the customer in front of the salesperson or on the phone takes priority.
Be a value driven, built to last visionary and role-model for other companies, and the organization that the average person in Kamloops thinks of when wanting to own, upgrade or repair a computer system.